Favourite Actor : Morgan Freeman
Films : Love films. When she was a little girl, Paytem loved Pretty Woman. She hates horror films.
Books : Memories of a Geisha
Perfume : Hugo Boss Intense & those with fruit fragrance.
Music : Oasis, Keane, Green Day and, of couse, Michael Jackson.
Color : Blue.
Animal: Black panther. She is
She is technician in audiovisual production, having produced several short films.
She speak Spanish, English and German.
She neither smokes nor drinks alcohol.
She loves chocolate and high heels.
She sleep 5 hours a day and she describe herself as a familiar and home-loving person, considering her mother as an example to follow.
Paytem Jane is caring, sensitive, enthusiastic, confident and a bit shy. Extremely faithful. She hates lies and intolerance. She is estrict with herlsef, perfectionist and impatient.
She knows how to cook and she loves photography.
She would have love to work as a veterinarian but in school, she hated maths. Her favourite subject was english. She keeps wonderful memories from two school friends and she is in touch with them.
The man who seeks to conquer her must be romantic, caring, funny and faithful. If you want a clue, her ideal plan for a Sunday would be to enjoy a good film at home in good company with a bag of candies.

It is necessary to take as hand luggage a lot of drinks (all of it without gas and without being refrigerated until consumption) her medication (if any) and masks because she is allergic to all grasses and a travel bag with a secondand complete outfit, with coat clothing, cause she is very sensitive to the cold.
Although we know she always takes with her, propolis, her management is sure of taking two extra tins, besides the humidifier and sleeping pills, because sometimes it is very complicated for her to fall asleep.
She always travels with her laptop, her mobile phone and with some notebooks to compose and write.
Anyway, if she needs something more, she always travels with her personal assistant, her road manager, a stylist and at least, one security staff member.

…the fundamental requirements are: a Nordic, their own sheets, a heater, a TV set with DVD and stereo, a carpet for his essays, black and white towels (they let her10), scented candles, fruits and salads trays, a plate of jamón Serrano (no always possible), a tray of chocolates (a tray of chocolates (powdered, orange, raspberry, black and with milk), milk, cofee (not for her, just for her staff), toaster, microwave, silverware, and it is necessary to remove all flowers, religious images (if any) and put her oils in the bath, a black panter teddy (a gift from a fan) and video material of Michael Jackson.
She brings the music she wanna listen to. It is necessary to be sure that the decoration of the hotel brings tranquility before the trip, that will not cause a phobic problem (it’s actually easier than it seems).
She doesn’t want her room to be far from the ones of her staff, with whom she have a close relationship.

…only add: Marc cream. It is also very necessary to bring her humidifier, her laptop with their headphones, a heater, her medication for a possible allergy attack (which rarely occur, but they foresee this everytime), amicrowave, milk, chocolate or cocoa powder, energetic drinks and dinner food or just food for after the show, very abundant, because she always ends hungry.
For her it is very important the punctuality of her staff, checking the room, the sound, test hours before taking the stage, having enough time with her makeup and her hair stylist and she need to stay alone one-half hour before the show (it is a routine).
Before leaving her dressing room, she just want to greet the dancers and back up singers, so it is necessary to leave backstage.

She only performs with her own microphones and receptors and, if its posible, she always used her own sound technician. During the soundcheck, Paytem choose her microphone capsule, but usually opts for the Neumann KK 105 S with a handheld transmitter SKM 5200 (Sennheiser). Vocal microphones of her backup singers are always MD 5235 capsules, also Sennheiser, mounted on identical transmitters, SKM 5200.
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