martes, 17 de enero de 2012

@PaytemJane & warriors - 16.01.2012 (2)

PaytemJaneShow: @PaytemJane mmmm I´m lost who is he??? ;)

AllPaytemJane: @PaytemJane OMG! We want to see it! We're sure that is a perfect "man"

SheisPaytemJane: @PaytemJane We love first dates! It was everything Ok? He was a real gentleman with you or we have to be angry with him?Wanna see it!

Warrior: @PaytemJane I'm so glad you like our present :)

PaytemJaneOFC: @PaytemJane We love the way it seems we know the way u are...We were sure you're gonna love this kind of presents!We'll see that video 2day?

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