lunes, 10 de enero de 2011

Monica's Notes: The Greatest... not surprise!

Monica Sanz wrote again on her blog talking about the video about her, singing live, that was published yesterday:
I said I had a surprise and then, somebody I'm gonna kill published a private video of me... Showing a rehearsal of a year ago (God! I wore the dark hair) is never a surprise, it's a f****** joke!

So embarrasing...I don't really like to do this but it's ok, it's the reality! It's me and that's what I have!

About all the questions I have been questioned, I have to say that of course I knew somebody was recording. There's always somebody recording me...but just for me and my partners (watching mistakes, etc), not for the whole world.

Yes, I have let somebody to make that channel to show funny and special moments of me. I think it's cool you can know me better as a singer and living the dream with me...but I really meant funny moments for everybody, not everybody but me!

And no, that's not my surprise, my surprises are more spectacular than that ;) . But I'm not angry, as I've said, I let them and what you see is what I do everyday. No tricks, it's not edited, it's nothing's just embarrasing! But I think too it's not fair for them who have not watched yet, so here we have myself making some noise:


You'll have to wait a bit of more for my surprise (If I get it, because I'll be the first surprised!), naughty warriors...Pow, you're sacked! :P but with love!

Big Kisses!


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